Experienced Trial Lawyers For Class Action Lawsuits
A class or representative action is a form of lawsuit in which a large group of people collectively bring a claim to court and/or in which a class of defendants is being sued. This form of collective lawsuit originated in the United States and predominantly remains a U.S. phenomenon. Class action law is constantly evolving, and this area of law involves unique challenges and significant commercial consequences, requiring experienced attorneys to handle them effectively.
We Represent And Defend Clients In A Variety Of Class Actions
The attorneys at Morris, Sullivan, Lemkul & Turtzo LLP utilize their extensive trial experience and firm-wide resources to successfully litigate a wide variety of class actions. Each case is approached with a comprehensive, organized and cost-effective strategy. Currently, our firm is handling numerous class action cases involving everything from deceptive trade practices to violations of the California Consumer Legal Remedies Act (CLRA, California Civil Code §§ 1750‐1784).
Put A Proven Lawyer On Your Side
Our extensive experience in areas such as business litigation, insurance defense and personal injury has prepared us to effectively navigate the complexities of class action lawsuits on behalf of our clients. We protect the legal and financial interests of clients throughout the United States from our locations in San Diego, Las Vegas, Austin and Kailua.